View From The 102 Floor

The beauty of New York City, fifty-fifty afterwards visiting it for hundreds of times, it doesn't terminate to amaze me. Every angle seems painting exhibit worthy, at dissimilar times of the day. These shots were taken from the 102nd Floor of the Empire State Building. 
Traveler's Tip: Plan your watch inward advance and purchase the tickets online. The lines are insane no affair what twenty-four hours of the week. Especially during tourist season.  
P.S. This was the outfit from this day! 
 fifty-fifty afterwards visiting it for hundreds of times View From The 102 Floor
 fifty-fifty afterwards visiting it for hundreds of times View From The 102 Floor
 fifty-fifty afterwards visiting it for hundreds of times View From The 102 Floor
 fifty-fifty afterwards visiting it for hundreds of times View From The 102 Floor
 fifty-fifty afterwards visiting it for hundreds of times View From The 102 Floor
 fifty-fifty afterwards visiting it for hundreds of times View From The 102 Floor
 fifty-fifty afterwards visiting it for hundreds of times View From The 102 Floor

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