I No Longer Bring Patience

“I no longer possess got patience for for sure things, non because I’ve croak arrogant, but precisely because I reached a request inwards my life where I produce non desire to waste matter to a greater extent than fourth dimension amongst what displeases me or hurts me. I possess got no patience for cynicism, excessive criticism in addition to demands of whatever nature. I lost the volition to delight those who produce non similar me, to honey those who produce non honey me in addition to to grinning at those who produce non desire to grinning at me. I no longer pass a unmarried infinitesimal on those who prevarication or desire to manipulate. I decided non to coexist anymore amongst pretense, hypocrisy, dishonesty in addition to inexpensive praise. I produce non tolerate selective erudition nor academic arrogance. I produce non conform either to pop gossiping. I loathe conflict in addition to comparisons. I believe inwards a basis of opposites in addition to that’s why I avoid people amongst stiff in addition to inflexible personalities. In friendship I dislike the lack of loyalty in addition to betrayal. I produce non larn along amongst those who produce non know how to give a compliment or a discussion of encouragement. Exaggerations bore me in addition to I possess got difficulty accepting those who produce non similar animals. And on transcend of everything I possess got no patience for anyone who does non deserve my patience.” 
- José Micard Teixeira
Life becomes then uncomplicated in 1 lawsuit y'all figure out who y'all are. No? And Jose interprets life at its simplest-raw-self, which I love!
I no longer possess got patience for for sure things I No Longer Have Patience
I no longer possess got patience for for sure things I No Longer Have Patience
I no longer possess got patience for for sure things I No Longer Have Patience
I no longer possess got patience for for sure things I No Longer Have Patience
I no longer possess got patience for for sure things I No Longer Have Patience
I no longer possess got patience for for sure things I No Longer Have Patience
Skort (previously worn here) - Nanette Lepore 
Pendant - From my travels
Watch - c/o Caravelle
Bag - Kate Spade
Flats - Yosi Samra

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