Don’T Beak To Me Most Your Past

“Please, don’t verbalize to me most your past. I don’t attention who you lot were or what you lot did. I don’t desire to know who you lot slept alongside or who you lot loved. I don’t involve to know who wound you lot or disrespected you. Please, don’t tell me most your mistakes or who almost died for your love. I don’t desire to know the words you lot didn’t country out of fearfulness or the ones you lot said out of anger. I don’t involve to know most the gifts that were given to you lot or the ones that remind you lot of certainly places or people. As a affair of fact, I don’t desire to know anything most you. I but desire to know you lot alongside me. As a affair of fact, I but desire you lot to tell me what it all agency to you lot without telling me the reasons why. Please, don’t demonstrate me who you lot were, but who you lot are. I desire you lot to exercise yourself, liberate, love, laugh, bring out in addition to locomote alongside me who you’ve ever wanted to be, because solely then, I’ll locomote able to demonstrate you lot who I am instead of who I was in addition to what I did.” 
- José Micard Teixeira
This ↑ is EXACTLY how I felt when I had met Dr. Fab, in addition to piece of employment along to exercise so. José but expresses it a zillion times ameliorate than I could ever have!

In other news, Dr. Fab is making an appearance on the spider web log again. *ting*
t desire to know who you lot slept alongside or who you lot loved Don’t Talk To Me About Your Past
t desire to know who you lot slept alongside or who you lot loved Don’t Talk To Me About Your Past
t desire to know who you lot slept alongside or who you lot loved Don’t Talk To Me About Your Past
t desire to know who you lot slept alongside or who you lot loved Don’t Talk To Me About Your Past
t desire to know who you lot slept alongside or who you lot loved Don’t Talk To Me About Your Past
Shirt - GAP
Shorts - Jet Lag
Footwear - ALDO
Sunglasses - DKNY
Camera Bag - ONA

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