Things That Annoy Me

Looks similar I am on a listing making spree, eh? It only seems then practiced to allow it all out. Even though I know, non a unmarried someone volition modify but at to the lowest degree this gets it out of my system. Also gives me something to weblog about.

Things. People. Incidents. Random Shit That Annoys Me
  • People alongside bad breathe as well as torso odor
  • People who chew loudly
  • People who cannot champaign of report their badly behaved kids
  • Itchy wool sweater
  • People who inquire stupid questions
  • People who inquire also many questions
  • People who are indecisive 
  • When people create non answer to your Hi! (in-person or virtually)
  • When people massacre the english linguistic communication past times using acronyms similar lolz (laughing out loudly, solely inward plural?), lyke (like), roks (rocks), congo (congratulations), HB (Happy Birthday!), etc. // AGRH!
  • Inconsistent behavior
  • People who are eternal pessimists
  • Pushy sales people
  • Calling client service, for anything at all
 It only seems then practiced to allow it all out Things That Annoy Me
 It only seems then practiced to allow it all out Things That Annoy Me
 It only seems then practiced to allow it all out Things That Annoy Me
 It only seems then practiced to allow it all out Things That Annoy Me
 It only seems then practiced to allow it all out Things That Annoy Me
 It only seems then practiced to allow it all out Things That Annoy Me
 It only seems then practiced to allow it all out Things That Annoy Me
 It only seems then practiced to allow it all out Things That Annoy Me
 It only seems then practiced to allow it all out Things That Annoy Me
 It only seems then practiced to allow it all out Things That Annoy Me
Dress - Rain & Rainbow
Flats - Jimmy Choo
Clutch - Crazy & Co. 
Pendant - From Bhutan

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