Friday Fitness: Lower Torso Workout

Disclaimer: I am non an adept or bring whatsoever formal teaching or preparation inwards this field. These posts are purely on personal experience together with cognition gained via several years of preparation together with learning 'on-the-job'. If you lot are a novice delight consult a professional person earlier listening to me. 

After what seems similar ages, I am inspired to produce fitness posts again. 

My favorite trunk parts to workout are legs together with glutes. Together they brand upwardly the largest together with the most powerful musculus grouping inwards the body. Strength exercises help create muscular endurance together with equally good ameliorate cardio vascular performance. I am addicted to leg exercises together with so include them inwards most every workout. You tin hand notice exclusively develop overall trunk forcefulness if you lot bring the rigid foundation that leg exercises provide, trust me!

The video is an edited version together with NOT a amount workout!

Usually I produce either:
  • 2 sets of thirty repetitions OR
  • 3 sets of xv repetitions
It purely depends on how much fourth dimension together with liberate energy I bring on that detail day. 
For variations, I add together dumbbells or leg weights.  

Update: Fitness will hold out a regular segment every alternate Friday, from directly on. I volition percentage my fitness/health related experiences, motivational posts, or workout tips. If at that spot is whatsoever specific theme you lot would desire me to cover, which I bring non already mentioned inwards my previous posts, delight experience gratuitous to Email me. I am opened upwardly to suggestions. 

This is a comment-free blog since 18th March 2012. 
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