There are so many wonderful blogs out there, I seem to discover a new one every week! My latest find is '
My Attic', authored by Dutch designer Marij Hessel. Marij has a passion for interior, decorating, fashion and photography (among other things) and frequently shares images of her beautiful Dutch home on her blog. Here's a sneak peek.
Oh so lovely. Monochromes, pastels, patterns and big leafed plants define this relaxed family home (in my eyes at least). I particularly love her bedroom which has been decorated using finds from a recent trip to morocco (long been on my list) and the Danish shop
Thank you so much for the permission to share the images Marij.
For more Dutch inspiration you might want to check out this
family home, a
home in a converted chidren's nursery and this fab
Dutch bedroom make-over. I think a trip to Holland is in order. Speaking of which, is anyone going to the '
Meet the Blogger' event in October? Sadly I can't go but it looks so great and definitely a firm date in my diary for next year!
Have a lovely day!
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