A Meaningful Living Room Update

You know the feeling you lot learn when you lot walk into a shop too your oculus is at nowadays drawn to a slice that you lot only have to have?  A slice that no affair what you lot produce you lot only can't learn it out of your head.  It could live a rug, a picture, an amazing pillow, a unique vintage item, anything.  I got that really feeling when I was browsing online too came upon a numbered oculus chart.  I had such a rigid feeling nigh this slice too knew it would live the perfect add-on to our living room.

 You know the feeling you lot learn when you lot walk into a shop too your oculus is at nowadays drawn Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Meaningful Living Room Update

It mightiness hold off similar an ordinary oculus nautical chart to most, but to me it agency more, too thence much more.

It's non besides oft that I learn personal on the blog, but today I wanted to part a chip nigh my son's journey.  This tike has no fearfulness too is constantly keeping us on our toes.  Not solely has he been rushed to the infirmary for an allergic reaction, but he has also broken his clavicle, bumped too bruised his caput to a greater extent than times than I tin count too suffered through a pretty serious oculus injury.  You tin reckon why nosotros jokingly telephone telephone him crash.

It was 2 days earlier Christmas when he opened a ClosetMaid cabinet door, cutting his eye.  He was at my parents at the time, too although he cried at root he rapidly bounced dorsum to his normal curious self.

 You know the feeling you lot learn when you lot walk into a shop too your oculus is at nowadays drawn Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Meaningful Living Room Update
He slept fairly good most of the night, but when he woke upwards the adjacent morning time his oculus was swollen too he was inward a lot of pain.  We took him to urgent attention where nosotros were told he had a cornea abrasion.  I thought, okay I tin grip this, it's solely a little cutting that volition heal fairly quickly.  We were given oculus drops too told to follow upwards alongside a pediatric ophthalmologist the adjacent day.

Well, he ended upwards becoming too thence extremely fussy that I called our pediatric oculus Dr. too got an appointment correct away.  Unfortunately,  Owen would scream whenever low-cal got close his oculus too they were unable to learn a skilful hold off at his injury.  We ended upwards coming dwelling trouble solid alongside fifty-fifty to a greater extent than drops too suffered through roughly other stone oil night.

The adjacent morning time was Christmas twenty-four hr menstruum too what should bring been a happy fourth dimension rapidly turned into a really stressful too scary day.

I knew something was non correct equally presently equally Owen woke up.  His oculus was worse too his pupil, which should bring been dark was cloudy too gray.  We couldn't fifty-fifty plough the lights on or opened upwards the blinds without him screaming.  We called our oculus Dr too left a message on the emergency line explaining his symptoms.  He called us dorsum at nowadays too said he was really concerned too to run into at his role correct away.  Christmas morning time was set on concur spell nosotros rushed to run into the doctor.

With much kicking too screaming the MD was finally able to reckon the extent of his injuries.  It wasn't only a cornea abrasion, it was worse.  He had cutting his cornea conduct downwards the middle too it was deep, really deep.  Given that it was Christmas morning time the MD was unable to achieve a cornea surgeon inward the area.  We were in i lawsuit once again given to a greater extent than medication too were to run into the cornea surgeon at the infirmary the adjacent day. 

The surgeon was able to learn a skilful hold off an estimated his cornea was cutting nigh 70% through.  Best instance scenario it would heal alongside solely a little scar, worse instance he would remove surgical physical care for or mayhap a cornea transplant.   We spent the adjacent calendar week inward too out of the infirmary making certain his oculus was healing properly.

It was a long few weeks too months equally nosotros went dorsum too forth to the cornea surgeon an oculus MD every pair weeks for nigh a year.   He was supposed to article of apparel an oculus land on his skilful oculus to forcefulness his bad oculus to operate harder, but that didn't become over besides well.  Try making a toddler article of apparel an oculus land too reckon how that goes.  Getting him to sit down yet for his 3-4 dissimilar oculus medications three times a twenty-four hr menstruum was plenty of a challenge.    

Gauze too record ended upwards existence the solely thing to work, but that only looked ridiculous.  

We ended upwards using prescription dilating drops every fews twenty-four hr menstruum for nigh a year.  This forced his bad oculus to operate harder since his skilful oculus was dilated too blurry most of the time. 

 You know the feeling you lot learn when you lot walk into a shop too your oculus is at nowadays drawn Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Meaningful Living Room Update

Over the course of teaching of the lastly few years Owen has spent many hours inward the doctors role reading oculus charts too getting his oculus examined.  Slowly, his oculus started to heal too the scar reduced. Thankfully, he managed to escape surgical physical care for too whatsoever major lasting effects from his accident.  He yet has a scar too his vision isn't perfect, but it could bring been much worse.   It was a scary fourth dimension for our menage unit of measurement too nosotros are thankful everyday that things turned out equally good equally they did.  
 You know the feeling you lot learn when you lot walk into a shop too your oculus is at nowadays drawn Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Meaningful Living Room Update

 You know the feeling you lot learn when you lot walk into a shop too your oculus is at nowadays drawn Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Meaningful Living Room Update

 You know the feeling you lot learn when you lot walk into a shop too your oculus is at nowadays drawn Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Meaningful Living Room Update
The numbered oculus chart is to a greater extent than than only a slice of fine art that completes our living room.  Not solely produce I dearest numbers (hello, I bring a give away 4 inward almost every room), but It's a constant reminder of how far my boy has come upwards too how precious life is.   It's to a greater extent than than only a slice of art, it tells a storey nigh our menage unit of measurement too that is just what I desire from the items inward our home.

I was given production from Wayfair.com, all opinions are my own. 

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