Leather Bottom Cloth Tote {Monthly Diy Challenge}

It's the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it's fourth dimension for some other monthly DIY challenge!  This month's topic was cloth as well as I was truly looking frontwards to dusting off my sewing machine.  I experience similar it's been f.o.r.e.v.e.r. since I sewed anything as well as I couldn't hold back to larn started on making something useful.
s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}

I've ever loved the await of leather bottom bags as well as this month's challenge was the perfect excuse to purchase some fun fabrics as well as larn sewing.   Real leather is super expensive, hence I ended upward going amongst a leather alternative, which was withal a chip pricey at $35.00 a yard.  Jo-Ann's had cheaper options, but I had my heed assault using a specific cognac color as well as type of leather.  The less expensive fabrics but felt as well as looked likewise inexpensive for the await I was going for.  Thank goodness for 40% off coupons!

I must admit, I am no professional person seamstress as well as abhor pinning as well as using patterns.  Have I mentioned earlier that I am impatient?  Who has fourth dimension for all the pinning?  I did halt upward making a designing inwards an endeavor to brand my life easier, but the outset handbag was definitely a "see where this takes me as well as who cares if my lines are non straightaway form of bag."

Let's larn started....

I cutting 2 pieces of cloth for the transcend of the outer trounce (white as well as grayness stripe), 2 pieces for the bottom of the outer trounce (leather) as well as 2 pieces for the lining (natural canvas).

s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}

s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}
With rights sides together, I sewed the 2 pieces of the outer trounce together.
s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}

s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}
Normally, I would Fe seams opened upward but since you lot can't truly Fe leather I but ironed them flat.
s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}
Right sides together again, I sewed the front end as well as dorsum of the outer trounce together leaving the transcend open.
s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}

s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}
To brand the bottom flat, I pulled the bottom corners out, measured 2 inches inwards from the corner hence sewed across to brand a triangle
s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}

s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}
I repeated the same steps amongst the lining.

Remember how I said I didn't brand a designing as well as was but form of winging it?  Well, I didn't stimulate got into concern human relationship the seam allowance inwards the lining as well as it ended upward beingness likewise tall.  (this is the quest when I realized I meliorate brand a designing for adjacent time)  Thankfully, it was a super slow produce as well as I but cutting off the extra length at the top.
s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}
After the lining was trimmed to the right size, I position it within the trounce (right sides together) as well as sewed across the top, leaving plenty room to plough it right side out again.
s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}

s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}
I ironed the seams apartment hence transcend stitched unopen to the transcend of the bag. 
s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}

s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}
Now that the handbag was consummate it was fourth dimension to attach the straps.  I went amongst antique brass snaps that I also picked upward from Jo-Ann's.  They are on the expensive side ($7.99 for a pack of 6), hence I decided to solely house i snap inwards the dorsum of the handbag as well as 2 inwards the front.
s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}
I used the same leather for the straps as well as but cutting them out using the width of a score every bit my guide. 
s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}

s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}

s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}

s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}

s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}
After I got everything lined upward inwards house I but used a hammer to bring together the pieces together.  There is no require to purchase an expensive gadget for applying snaps. 
s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}

s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}
I love, love, LOVE how this handbag turned out.  I've been using it for the past times few days as well as am pretty proud that it truly turned out every bit I imagined.  Looking back, I in all probability should stimulate got lined the handles, but I was worried the snaps wouldn't larn through all the layers.  Next fourth dimension I'll seek as well as transcend stitch 2 layers of leather together as well as encounter how it goes. 
s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}

s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}

I had hence much fun making the outset bag, that I didn't halt there. 
s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}

s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}
I honey the fun surprise of the gilt triangle lining.  

I enjoyed making these bags hence much that I'm offering i every bit a giveaway on my 2 twelvemonth blogiversary on September 1st!!!  More than probable it volition last the dark as well as white striped handbag amongst triangle lining, hence last certain to halt dorsum for your guide chances to snag i of these bags for yourself!

Now, don't forget to banking concern represent out all the other fabulous DIY cloth ideas!

s the minute Midweek of the calendar month as well as that agency it Leather Bottom Fabric Tote {Monthly DIY Challenge}

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