How To Brand Diy Rustic Felt Christmas Trees
Easy as well as cheap felt Christmas trees perfect for adding a natural chemical ingredient to your vacation decor.
I've created a lot of Christmas as well as wintertime crafts, but these DIY rustic felt trees are likely 1 of my favorites. They're perfect for adding a fleck of rustic charm to your vacation decor as well as beingness made of felt as well as twigs makes them super affordable. I truly saw similar trees late on as well as knew I could brand them for a fraction of the price. Just follow the steps below as well as y'all equally good tin bring perfectly rustic felt trees perfect for vacation decorating.
(Affiliate links bring been used) -Felt (about a one-half yard per tree)
To brand things easy, I searched online for a Christmas tree template as well as found this one. I printed it out as well as thence used my scanner to resize it downwardly to 3 unlike sizes.
I folded the template inward one-half as well as thence folded my felt inward one-half as well as started cutting out trees. Many, many trees!
After all my trees were cutting my boy as well as I went hiking inward the woods for the perfect log as well as sticks. Using my chop saw, I cutting the forest downwardly to brand the tree stands as well as thence got started gluing.
I merely folded each slice of felt inward half, applied hot mucilage to the flexure as well as thence added the felt to the stick. Make certain the stick is almost a one-half inch from the transcend of each felt tree top. I repeated these steps over (and over as well as over......) until my tree was full.
After I had all the felt trees glued I gave each 1 a niggling trim down to shape them upward as well as thence glued the stick onto the forest base. I used hot glue, but I intend forest mucilage would truly concur upward much better. I may fifty-fifty cease upward using a drill fleck to drill a modest hole inward the base, allowing the stick to sideslip downwardly into the base. Regardless, I'm loving how they turned out! 
As much equally I similar the white as well as tan trees, my favorite is definitely the traditional light-green Christmas tree.
Update: Due to pop demand, I created a video. Enjoy!
I promise y'all enjoyed these rustic felt Christmas trees equally much equally I enjoyed making them!
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