Diy Woods Photograph Plaques {Monthly Diy Challenge}

It's the minute Midweek of the month, which way it's fourth dimension for roughly other Monthly DIY Challenge!

s fourth dimension for roughly other Monthly DIY Challenge DIY Wood Photo Plaques {Monthly DIY Challenge}

This month's subject was "metallic paint" in addition to I decided to purpose my favorite metallic element gilt spray pigment to brand a duo forest photograph plaques for my lately updated gallery wall.  They ended upwards beingness a smashing add-on in addition to I dear that I tin easily swap out the kids pictures or artwork. 

s fourth dimension for roughly other Monthly DIY Challenge DIY Wood Photo Plaques {Monthly DIY Challenge}

I kept my favorite saw unplugged for this projection in addition to opted to larn amongst precut forest instead.  I flora mine at Michael's, only y'all tin belike honour the same forest at whatever arts and crafts store. The forest comes inwards diverse sizes in addition to is perfect for those who don't ain a saw.
s fourth dimension for roughly other Monthly DIY Challenge DIY Wood Photo Plaques {Monthly DIY Challenge}
I painted each forest slice inwards i coat of Americana Everlasting chalk paint then sprayed my hardware amongst Valspar metallic element spray paint.  I accept to say, I've tried many dissimilar gilt spray paints in addition to this i is hands downwards my favorite.
s fourth dimension for roughly other Monthly DIY Challenge DIY Wood Photo Plaques {Monthly DIY Challenge}

s fourth dimension for roughly other Monthly DIY Challenge DIY Wood Photo Plaques {Monthly DIY Challenge}

If y'all are actually observant, you'll notice that the clips in addition to labels inwards the "after" pic are non the ones pictured above.  I frequently showtime projects amongst a invention inwards my head, which speedily changes equally I showtime putting things together.  If I'm non 100% happy amongst how things are turning out, I raid my arts and crafts drawers until I honour something that industrial plant better.  

In this case, I ended upwards finding bigger clips in addition to labels that were much to a greater extent than proportionate amongst the size of forest I was using.

s fourth dimension for roughly other Monthly DIY Challenge DIY Wood Photo Plaques {Monthly DIY Challenge}
I attached the novel hardware amongst gorilla gum in addition to hence made custom labels inwards PicMonkey.
s fourth dimension for roughly other Monthly DIY Challenge DIY Wood Photo Plaques {Monthly DIY Challenge}
I was originally going to halt here, only the plaques seemed a chip likewise plain.  They needed a piffling to a greater extent than bling, hence I sprayed a few gilt brads in addition to added them to each corner.  
s fourth dimension for roughly other Monthly DIY Challenge DIY Wood Photo Plaques {Monthly DIY Challenge}
To avoid splitting the forest (which I did anyway!) I predrilled holes amongst a small-scale drill bit. You run into that drill chip inwards the pic above?  Yeah, don't purpose i that big.  It ended upwards splitting the forest in addition to I had to movement to a smaller bit.  #bloggerfail
s fourth dimension for roughly other Monthly DIY Challenge DIY Wood Photo Plaques {Monthly DIY Challenge}
If you're making these to hang on the wall, you'll also desire to add together these hooks.  
s fourth dimension for roughly other Monthly DIY Challenge DIY Wood Photo Plaques {Monthly DIY Challenge}

s fourth dimension for roughly other Monthly DIY Challenge DIY Wood Photo Plaques {Monthly DIY Challenge}

s fourth dimension for roughly other Monthly DIY Challenge DIY Wood Photo Plaques {Monthly DIY Challenge}

Now it's fourth dimension to cheque out the other fabulous metallic element projects.  

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