A relaxed, atmospheric family home in Malmö

I'm so proud of my adopted home town of Malmö. Having moved to Sweden from London ten years ago, I've seen it grow into a thriving hub with a flourishing creative community. Yesterday's post of my girls' bedroom was the result of a collaboration with two talented Malmö girls and today's fabulous home tour is also here in Malmö. The relaxed family space belongs to former model Malin Persson, blogger for Elle Decoration and self-confessed creative multi-tasker, her husband Damiano and children Tiago, Milo and Cleo. The family recently moved back to Sweden after a period in Rome, Italy. The two worlds have come together in the form of this beautiful, unique space, decorated with a mix of  fabulous vintage and antique finds and atmospheric colours.

Home: this and this home.

Another thing that stands out to me is the use of clothing as decoration. A negligée hung in the window of the bathroom softens the feel of the room and adds a romantic touch, as does the lovely dress hanging on the mirror in the bedroom.

Is there anything that stands out to you?

Today the sun will set at 3.25 pm - but really, it's never truly going to get light. This is why I'm eating my way through a packet of chocolate hob nobs. The good news? It's Saint Lucia here tomorrow, a festival of light in which a girl wearing a crown of candles will lead a procession who will then sing, and we'll enjoy a feast of Pepparkaka, saffron buns and glögg (mulled wine). It's one of my favoruite Swedish traditions.

I hope you have a lovely weekend too!

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