Youtube Trailer

 years of blogging I possess got decided to comprehend the visual medium YOUTUBE TRAILER

I am together with hence excited y'all. It's a novel month. And I am venturing into novel things. If you haven't guessed it already (or clicked play on the video - I am STARTING(!) a YouTube Channel! After nearly seven years of blogging I possess got decided to comprehend the visual medium. I am extremely nervous nearly it, because it agency venturing into something exterior my comfort zone. However, earlier this year, I had decided to force myself to possess got novel challenges, opened upward up more, portion to a greater extent than together with I would similar to believe I am beingness truthful to my discussion together with hence far. This is simply to a greater extent than or less other pace inwards the same direction. 

But I need your help. I desire to know what you would similar me to portion on YouTube? How many times would you similar me to post videos? What areas exercise you desire me to cover? I know Fitness would in all likelihood endure the overstep suggestion, but other than that is at that topographic point something you would endure interested in? And let's endure honest, make-up together with beauty is non my forte. I know nada nearly it. I possess got no involvement inwards it, together with hence unless you wanted to know, "How To Suck At Make Up?" it is definitely non an surface area for me. Also, I experience at that topographic point are already plenty how-to-video nearly fashion tips, together with styling. I in all likelihood wouldn't possess got anything novel to add. So other than Fashion & Beauty, if at that topographic point is anything else you desire me to portion exercise permit me know. You tin ship away larn out your proposition inwards the comments, or create sum the survey past times clicking the below push or experience costless to Facebook / Tweet / Email me. I am inwards the mood to buy the farm actually candid, together with hence don't concur back. :) 

P.S. You mightiness possess got noticed the weblog makeover. There are yet little tweaks being done here and at that topographic point but I am pretty happy alongside it. Let me know what you think?

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