Can Nosotros Utter Near Menstruation?

 are such a taboo topic inward Indian civilisation Can nosotros verbalize almost Menstruation?
I accept wondered for a piece why "periods" are such a taboo topic inward Indian culture? There are roughly regions inward the province that celebrate the coming of historic period of time of a woman, together with thus to say, but from my personal experience it has been a topic which is whispered together with talked almost inward a hugger-mugger tone. Having a period of time is treated every bit a untouchable disease and a matter of shame inward most Indian societies.  
I was brought upward inward a articulation family. For my International readers: this a ready where yous alive alongside your grand parents together with all their children (four sons inward my grand parents case) together with their growing families together. I recollect all the women inward my trouble solid unit of measurement (four to locomote exact) taking a sabbatical during their menstruating days. They were non allowed to come across a temple, kitchen, or whatever other religious/auspicious ceremony. They are considered impure, muddy together with cursed during "that fourth dimension of the month". It made sense centuries agone when at that topographic point was express water, together with lack of hygiene facilities. But today? Not together with thus much. Even when I hadn't had my first period I knew, I would never represent such treatment.  
I learnt almost menstruum from a friend of mine, who had learnt almost it from her teenage cousins. So my starting fourth dimension lesson didn't come upward from my woman nurture or from the biological scientific discipline class. There was roughly even out almost a Hindu God who had cursed women together with what non ... I cannot recall it word-for-word. When I did accept my starting fourth dimension period, I knew what had happened but I felt also awkward to acquire tell my Mom almost it. But I had to, because she was the i who would laissez passer me a sanitary napkin! I recollect going for a walk alongside her together with having an awkward verbalize together with feeling actually uncomfortable for several months. 
One incident that singularly stand upward out inward my encephalon is the i from my middle schoolhouse days. We were given a few days off betwixt examinations to create for the adjacent one. I used to create a time-table for those days only similar i inward schoolhouse together with conception my study schedule on hourly solid soil together with thus that I tin laissez passer the sack role the days off efficiently. (You tin laissez passer the sack consider I accept been an organized soul since childhood! It is a nascence defect). On i such solar daytime when I was studying together with was inward betwixt my self-created schoolhouse time-table, nosotros had a invitee over together with Mom asked me to create something (can't recollect what). Without thinking twice, I said I can't because I am inward betwixt my period. Y'know no torso would enquire yous to serve the guests if yous were at school! My Mom glared at me, every bit if I had said "FUCK YOU" inward front end of the guest. It alone took me 2 seconds to sympathise the confusion together with I explained that I was referring to my report 'period'. But that was when I realized that 'period' is something yous cannot refer inward front end of people, particularly manful soul members of the society. For those yous didn't acquire the reference: In India, a shape is called a "period" For example, your Mon powerfulness start alongside a scientific discipline class, inward Republic of Republic of India nosotros would telephone phone it a scientific discipline 'period'. 
After almost a yr into beingness a 'woman' life went dorsum to normal. Periods became a minute nature together with I didn't e'er mean value twice almost them, unless I had to acquire swimming. And I DID come across the kitchen, temple together with all auspicious ceremonies. I only didn't tell anyone that I was on my period. I ain't letting anyone discriminate against me for their ain pre-historic views.
And directly I am inward my thirties together with rubber to state at that topographic point is no shame associated alongside periods inward my life today! Just roughly other biological cycle inward the life of a woman. 

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