Pro As Well As Cons Of Living Inwards Texas

One yr ago, today nosotros left Texas. And if y'all know me, y'all know that has me reflecting on my by yr as well as existence all-melancholic nigh what I receive got left behind. However, this is non a sappy post. I was thinking nigh my fourth dimension inwards Texas as well as I came upward amongst a listing of what I immature adult woman as well as don't immature adult woman nigh Texas. Here nosotros go: 
Things I immature adult woman nigh Texas 
  1. HEB - There is cipher quite similar HEB (Its a local grocery store chain). Even their smallest store is bigger than the Walmart hither inwards the North East. I immature adult woman the convenience of one-stop shopping. 
  2. Low terms of living - Not to forget, ane halt shopping AT AFFORDABLE PRICES. When nosotros were trying to cutting downward our expenses nosotros were able to alive at a budget of $50 per calendar week grocery for two. That is thus NOT possible inwards the North East. 
  3. Margaritas - Yum! They know how to brand a margarita. Anything y'all are having inwards other states is non fifty-fifty 1% existent deal. Go to Texas, as well as receive got a Margarita. Have ane for me too!
  4. Over all cool swagger - You know that Texan vibe y'all run across inwards the movies? It is real. People amongst their thick southern accents, pose dorsum lifestyles. Sigh! There is cipher quite similar it. 
  5. 55 m/hr Speed Limit - Oh. Lord. The speed limit. I used to crib nigh how boring the traffic is moving inwards Texas. Now SLOW has a whole novel Definition amongst the xxx m/hr speed limit. Being on the route is a torture here. 
Things I don't immature adult woman nigh Texas 
  1. Heat & Humidity - Yeah! I don't immature adult woman that. Having 75F temperatures inwards bound is no joy. But the worst utilization is that atmospheric condition changes in that place on hourly basis. You never quite know what climate should y'all clothing for. 
  2. Polarized religious views - Without going into likewise much detail. I did non relish the radical religious views downward there. 
  3. Lack of diversity - People living inwards Texas mightiness intend in that place is diversity, but in that place actually isn't. In ane yr of living inwards DC expanse I receive got in all likelihood interacted amongst to a greater extent than than 20-25 nationalities. In 7 years of living inwards Texas I came across no to a greater extent than than 3, max. five nationalities!
  4. Taking forever to leave of absence of the state lines - You tin never innovation a long weekend because it bloody takes 24 hours to leave of absence of the states as well as and then around other 24 hours to larn dorsum in. For a move junkie similar myself, that was vii years of torture. 
  5. No world transportation - I loathe driving. You ask to live on attentive, y'all can't read, y'all cannot slide dorsum your chair - Driving is super uncomfortable. But since earth transportation practically doesn't be in that place was no other option. 
Regardless of my list, I wouldn't alter a thing nigh my concluding viii years. I'd similar to continue my organized faith inwards 'everything happens for a reason' thus acre I am happy living inwards the North East, I was happy living inwards Texas every bit well. 
Every pace of the journeying that matters, right? 

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