My Favorite Snacking Options

This store has been compensated yesteryear Collective Bias My Favorite Snacking Options
This store has been compensated yesteryear Collective Bias, Inc. as well as its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #ShareHarvestSnaps #CollectiveBias

I volition live on honest, I hap to dear snacks way to a greater extent than than regular meals. But looks similar I am non alone. As a society, nosotros eat twice equally many snacks equally nosotros did a generation ago. Women, on average, nosh on upwards of 400 snack calories per day, according to federal survey data. And men eat almost 600 calories a 24-hour interval inwards betwixt meals. 

However, snacking has ever been a controversial theme equally for years experts debated well-nigh the advantages as well as disadvantages of eating betwixt meals. Over the years nosotros convey realized that not eating for iii or 4 hours tin make the sack oftentimes movement our lay out energy levels to drop, leaving us feeling tired both mentally as well as physically. Snacking used to live on a hurdle inwards my salubrious eating until I figured out at that spot are salubrious snack options out there. Today inwards collaboration amongst Harvest Snaps, I am sharing some of my favorite go-to snacks which fill upward me up, refuel afterward practise as well as make non hinder my salubrious eating. 

This store has been compensated yesteryear Collective Bias My Favorite Snacking Options 

Almonds incorporate lots of salubrious fats, fiber, protein, magnesium as well as vitamin E. The wellness benefits of almonds include lower blood refined saccharify levels, reduced blood line per unit of measurement area as well as lower cholesterol levels. They tin make the sack likewise cut hunger as well as promote weight loss, provided you lot convey no to a greater extent than than a fist full. Moderation is key.

This store has been compensated yesteryear Collective Bias My Favorite Snacking Options

Air-popped as well as eaten plain, popcorn is a salubrious whole grain nutrient that is depression inwards calories (about xxx calories per cup) as well as high inwards fibre (about 1g per cup). According to USDA MyPlate guidelines, 3 cups of popped popcorn counts equally 1 serving from the grains group.

This store has been compensated yesteryear Collective Bias My Favorite Snacking Options 
Dates / Date Spread over fruit

Sugar as well as calories. While most fiber-rich foods assist inwards weight loss, dates aren't a low-calorie food. Dates are high refined saccharify as well as refined saccharify content. But the argent lining is that dates are the perfect snack for an immediate flare-up of lay out energy without refined, added sugar.

This store has been compensated yesteryear Collective Bias My Favorite Snacking Options
Greek Yogurt Parfait

Greek yogurt is creamy, amongst less sugar. It is a nutrient-packed snack that has many wellness benefits such equally a swell recovery food, contains B12, has protein, calcium as well as probiotics (good bacteria that assist operate along your gut healthy). Added amongst a fruit as well as muesli tin make the sack live on a fibrous filling option.

This store has been compensated yesteryear Collective Bias My Favorite Snacking Options 
Harvest Snaps

Saving the best for the concluding is Harvest Snaps. I had discovered them concluding yr as well as inwards no fourth dimension they became my favorite go-to snack option. As a wellness witting foodie I am ever excited to discovery alternatives which are delicious as well as inwards sync amongst my lifestyle. Harvest Snaps veggie crisps are the existent bargain - made from wholesome greenish peas, blood-red lentils or dark beans, conduct from the farm as well as baked into pure snack perfection. With ix deliciously crispy varieties, Harvest Snaps better-for-you veggie crisps empower you lot to bask snacking 1 time again without feeling guilty!

This store has been compensated yesteryear Collective Bias My Favorite Snacking Options 

Harvest Snaps are a source of plant-based protein, they are gluten-free (except Tomato Basil), as well as convenient to nosh upon. They are deliciously crunchy veggie crisps, made from high character ingredients, as well as are available inwards ix flavors! While my favorite flavors are Black Pepper, Lightly Salted as well as Mango Republic of Chile Lime (in that order), they likewise convey 2 NEW flavors, Parmesan Roasted Garlic as well as White Cheddar! Be certain to cheque them out at the Harvest Snaps close you.

Last simply non the least, Harvest Snaps piece doing swell things for our bodies is likewise helping our communities yesteryear participating inwards the Kids360 program. To larn to a greater extent than well-nigh Kids 360, visit

This store has been compensated yesteryear Collective Bias My Favorite Snacking Options

In monastic tell to thrive, our bodies demand a broad make of minerals as well as nutrients throughout the day. Getting all of those minerals as well as nutrients inwards iii foursquare meals tin make the sack live on difficult, peculiarly if we’re non preparing our ain meals.

Snacking tin make the sack assist shore upward the amount of minerals as well as nutrients inwards our diets. The primal is to brand certain your snacks genuinely convey the nutrients you lot need. That way avoiding unhealthy snacks as well as opting for fruits, vegetables, nuts, as well as whole grains.


I shopped at my local ShopRite. Find Harvest Snaps inwards the make section.
This store has been compensated yesteryear Collective Bias My Favorite Snacking Options

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