Seven Things You Lot Powerfulness Non Know Virtually Me

 I work non believe at that spot is much left that I convey non already shared on the weblog Seven Things You Might Not Know About Me

After a decade of blogging, I work non believe at that spot is much left that I convey non already shared on the blog. But I had this postal service sentiment inward draft for months as well as the type-A soul inward my took it equally a challenge as well as thence the post! 

I managed convey to come upwards up alongside vii things I believe most people mightiness non know almost me. It was fun to rack my brains as well as self-analyze. Hope you lot relish the post. 

 I work non believe at that spot is much left that I convey non already shared on the weblog Seven Things You Might Not Know About Me
1. I convey solely voted 1 time inward my life

I am Indian as well as after turning xviii I had solely lived inward the province 1 yr as well as casted my vote once. I convey non been inward Bharat since. The province does non convey absentee voting. So that is that!

 I work non believe at that spot is much left that I convey non already shared on the weblog Seven Things You Might Not Know About Me
2. Two Months of Dating

Are you lot develop for this? I dated my married adult man for a grand full of 2 months earlier he proposed as well as nosotros got married 2 months later. Total of iv months of knowing him, I was married as well as inward a novel metropolis living alongside him. We volition presently hold out married for 12 years. So I guess, as well as then far as well as then good?

 I work non believe at that spot is much left that I convey non already shared on the weblog Seven Things You Might Not Know About Me
3. Minimal Make-Up

Some of you lot mightiness already know that I didn't ain much brand upwards up until I turned 30. I am 36 now. And this year, I convey non bought ANY make-up at all. Well, non yet anyways. 

 I work non believe at that spot is much left that I convey non already shared on the weblog Seven Things You Might Not Know About Me
4. Never cooked a consummate repast until I got married

I regularly percentage my kitchen chronicles on Insta-Stories. One mightiness intend I must dear cooking. I don't. I had non cooked anything beyond pasta or boiled potatoes till I got married as well as moved here. Even today, if my married adult man isn't abode I never cook. Nothing except a sandwich. 

 I work non believe at that spot is much left that I convey non already shared on the weblog Seven Things You Might Not Know About Me
5. I am a HUGE film buff

Now if you lot work head to my podcast (on Hindi movies) you  mightiness know this, but if non hither goes - I am a large film buff. I tin sentry movies all day, every day. And sometimes I do. And straight off that wintertime is some the corner as well as I am going to larn inward hibernation, I volition hold out dorsum to beingness a proud couch white patato watching movies as well as TV shows. 

 I work non believe at that spot is much left that I convey non already shared on the weblog Seven Things You Might Not Know About Me
I convey never missed a Mon Outfit Post

I convey been blogging for a decade as well as ever since I started regular outfit blogging (at commencement the weblog was almost fitness as well as my musings) I convey e'er posted an outfit on Monday, pelting or shine. It is rarely ever sponsored. I only relish doing it as well as then much that I work non desire to ever skip on it. 

 I work non believe at that spot is much left that I convey non already shared on the weblog Seven Things You Might Not Know About Me
In my adjacent nascency I desire to hold out a dancer

If given a endangerment I would hold out born equally a natural (and flexible) dancer. Before you lot rank that I tin nonetheless pursue it, trust me I convey tried. I work non await equally graceful. I am okay, non 1 gets wound when I move, but I would non telephone outcry upwards myself a 'dancer' as well as I would real much similar to.

Now your turn, percentage something I mightiness non know almost you? I would actually similar to withdraw heed from you. :)

 I work non believe at that spot is much left that I convey non already shared on the weblog Seven Things You Might Not Know About Me
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