Superwoman Syndrome

“The truth volition ready yous free, but get-go it volition piss yous off.” - Gloria Steinem

I practise non endorse the "Superwoman" phenomenon whatever more. I volition admit, I induce got used that give-and-take myself to complement other women, but alone latterly I induce got realized the weight of that word. Superwoman is all well-and-good inwards the super-hero world, but inwards existent life no i is a superwoman. Every adult woman I know is having to brand a choice, as well as non all their choices are their get-go preference. There is pain, elbow grease as well as blood involved inwards all their achievements. 

No i realizes that how calling somebody 'superwoman' automatically puts a describe per unit of measurement area of them to expire on to perform inwards the same means for residuum of their future. That's a recipe for disaster. No 2 days are alike. No i tin alive upwardly to that championship every unmarried twenty-four sixty minutes menstruum of their lives. You mightiness non meet the bad days, but they certain are there. Some people are simply ameliorate at hiding their struggles, piece others mightiness pick out to alone exhibit i side of their lives. And both are acceptable behaviors equally the finish is e'er to practise what is best for you. 

Also, who said doing to a greater extent than makes yous better? Shouldn't the barometer travel doing what matters? Doing things inwards the close efficient means possible versus doing it all as well as pretending to 'have it nether control'? I pledge to non purpose the give-and-take 'superwoman' whatever more. I volition notice others ways to compliment women (how's badass for one?) 

Work Wear Wardrobe - XVI

 I induce got used that give-and-take myself to complement other women Superwoman Syndrome
Dress | Shoes

 I induce got used that give-and-take myself to complement other women Superwoman Syndrome
Tunic | Jeans | Footwear

 I induce got used that give-and-take myself to complement other women Superwoman Syndrome
Dress | Shoes

 I induce got used that give-and-take myself to complement other women Superwoman Syndrome
Tunic | Pants | Flats 

 I induce got used that give-and-take myself to complement other women Superwoman Syndrome
Tee | Jeans | Shoes

Any thoughts yous wanna part alongside me?

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