Body Type, Trunk Shape

Before I address this I volition enjoin this - Dressing for your trunk shape is all nigh choosing clothes that flatter your body. And let’s hold upward honest: “Flattering” is actually only code for “makes you lot await thinner, taller, to a greater extent than curvy or less curvy”, whichever side your trunk falls on inwards comparing to what’s currently considered ‘ideal’. I subscribe to the schoolhouse of thought - have on what makes you lot happy in addition to comfortable. That should hold upward the telephone substitution to whatsoever dressing - formal or casual.

Having said that, if you lot however experience compelled to wearing apparel for your trunk type/shape below are 2 bang-up articles, which bring explained amongst graphics in addition to information.

Nonetheless, I honestly believe that confidence in addition to basic grooming/hygiene can become a long agency inwards making you lot await polished in addition to stylish. Find your personal style and 1 time you lot exercise create your wardrobe unopen to it. That agency fifty-fifty when your trunk shape changes your whole cupboard won't become for a toss. But that's only my opinion. 

Below is my piece of job calendar week wardrobe. Last duad of weeks bring been curt for me, thence only four looks. :)   

Work Wear Wardrobe - XII

 Dressing for your trunk shape is all nigh choosing clothes that flatter your trunk Body Type, Body Shape

 Dressing for your trunk shape is all nigh choosing clothes that flatter your trunk Body Type, Body Shape
TunicPants | Shoes

 Dressing for your trunk shape is all nigh choosing clothes that flatter your trunk Body Type, Body Shape
Shirt | Pants | Shoes


Do you lot wearing apparel for your trunk shape / trunk type?

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