At My Stagnant Best Correct Now

 I am dialing dorsum on the fourth dimension I pass on social media At My Stagnant Best Right Now

Every day, I am dialing dorsum on the fourth dimension I pass on social media. I used to accept a schedule that I followed most posting in addition to what not. But one-time final twelvemonth I threw it out of the window in addition to it has been wild-wild-west around hither since then, equally far equally blogging is considered. 

Over the years I accept consulted diverse people in addition to minor businesses on how to best optimize their social media. My suggestions are tried in addition to tested in addition to based on manufacture studies. But when it comes to my ain social media I loathe all rules. 

I accept ever needed an avenue to hold upwards a rebel. I don't similar next a norm until it makes feel to me. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 decade dorsum I was a rebel inwards my life. Now my life is running precisely how I'd similar thus instantly I accept turned the tabular array in addition to operate a rebel most social media/blogging. 

They say: yous must postal service content consistently
Me: I am posting equally in addition to when I experience inspired to practice it

They say: honor a niche in addition to create content amongst those keywords
Me: One solar daytime I am posting most travel, in addition to some other solar daytime most my child-free life

They say: operate inwards depth amongst i theme inwards your posts in addition to cross-link them
Me: I similar nutrient merely non writing recipes. I similar traveling merely honor writing move guides besides boring. My feel of mode is non brain flow or 'current' 

They say: create seasonal content in addition to something which people volition honor useful
Me: When I don't know whom to enjoin things aloud to, I type them hither ... I create content to amuse myself.

They say: demo trends in addition to styles inwards your outfit posts for people to re-create 
Me: I don't similar trends. And I certainly don't desire anyone dressing similar me

So yous meet my predicament amongst this whole blogging thing? I clearly don't follow my ain suggestions I laissez passer to others piece social media consultation merely in addition to then my destination isn't same equally businesses or people trying to attain an audience. I practice everything for myself. So I these social media strategies cannot assistance me. I am at my stagnant best correct now. 

 I am dialing dorsum on the fourth dimension I pass on social media At My Stagnant Best Right Now
  I am dialing dorsum on the fourth dimension I pass on social media At My Stagnant Best Right Now  I am dialing dorsum on the fourth dimension I pass on social media At My Stagnant Best Right Now  I am dialing dorsum on the fourth dimension I pass on social media At My Stagnant Best Right Now  I am dialing dorsum on the fourth dimension I pass on social media At My Stagnant Best Right Now
Location - Washington D.C.

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