Well, Hi There!

It has been quite to a greater extent than or less time, hasn't it? I was non traveling. I was non working. I but wanted to pace dorsum in addition to accept one-time away from the weblog in addition to social media. And to tell you lot the truth for the outset fourth dimension I didn't immature lady blogging. For the longest time, I direct maintain believed that I am addicted to blogging, but instantly I realize I am not. I tin laissez passer notice quit anytime, if I ever wanted to. I won't. But its adept to know, I can. I shall become dorsum to regular blogging from this calendar week (hopefully!). 

Ya'll already know what I had been upwards to for last ii weeks but for the yesteryear weekend I was inwards Austin for SXSW in addition to TxSC in addition to to say I had a BLAST would live an understatement. It is ever a pleasance to run across bloggers inwards existent life. The camaraderie in addition to affection is beyond belief. H5N1 room total of bloggers is a room total of color, usual admiration, awe, in addition to enthusiasm. I would similar to percentage almost whom all I met in addition to what all nosotros did but to a greater extent than on my Facebook page in addition to inwards coming posts. For instantly I would similar to telephone outcry upwards it a day...!  

 I but wanted to pace dorsum in addition to accept one-time away from the weblog in addition to social media Well, Hello there!
This is what I wore to the TxSC Party on Saturday!
Updated: For those who asked - I purpose a the Revlon Eyeliner easily flora at Walgreens

Dress - Vero Moda [12']
Shoes - Rare [11']
Clutch - Gift from Richa (DIR69 [12'])
Short Necklace - via INPINK [12']
Long Necklace - Francesca's [09']
Trench - Gift from doc Fab (Armani [08'])

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