Reader's Spotlight (Vii) - Sanghamitra

Hi Tanvi,

How are you lot ?

I am Sanghamitra. I actually bask your blog. I get got thus much to larn inwards damage of fashion from your blog. These days I am experimenting amongst my mode amongst whatever I get got already inwards my cupboard rather than buying novel outfits. I am trying to Mix as well as Match. I powerfulness get got made a few mistakes hither as well as in that place spell trying to position an outfit together every bit I am a novel entrant inwards this fashion world. You tin forcefulness out tell that I am nevertheless trying to acquire it right. But inwards a higher house everything else, I get got noticed i affair - when I clothes upwards inwards my ain style, I experience to a greater extent than confident as well as happier. Also, I believe that fashion is the extension of our ain personality, a agency of expressing ourselves as well as our creativity. Nowadays, fifty-fifty if I become to the neighbourhood grocery store, I brand certain to apparel my apartment pumps instead of a slipper, as well as apparel a proper outfit instead of a casual dress.

Thank you lot for the lovely compliments. I am glad you lot bask reading my blog. Also, give cheers you lot for sending inwards your pictures. I intend you lot are doing real well. I create non run into whatever mistakes inwards these outfits. Love the colors, accessories, as well as layering. You get got already got it right! I definitely believe that when you lot await good, you lot experience expert as well as confident - as well as you lot are definitely looking both! What create you lot all think? Sanghamitra's await is fun, no?   

Thank everyone who has sent their pictures for the Reader's Spotlight. I volition proceed to post them on Friday in the gild that I get got received the email. If you lot are novel here: this is a segment where my readers acquire to part their mode or enquire of suggestions (if they demand any!) from all my readers. So if you lot get got been inspired past times my spider web log then Email me your outfit pictures for this feature. If anyone wishes to stay Anonymous just tell the word!
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