Summer Fiction Reads

 Looks similar I accept already read them all too and therefore to a greater extent than or less Summer Fiction Reads

At the kickoff of summertime of 2016, I had shared my Summer Reading list. Looks similar I accept already read them all too and therefore some. It is definitely to a greater extent than than I had anticipated to read this year. 

If you lot are interested inward my stance on the weblog I read, you lot should banking concern fit me out on YouTube. 9/10 times shares my views on the books there, equally presently equally I complete reading them. Below, however, inward my latest majority review:

  1. One True Love - Taylor Jenkins Reid - I had the most wonderful fourth dimension reading this book. The even out gets going from the maiden of all page too you lot are hooked. It was a nifty summertime read which kept me engaged till it's end page. If you lot create read it, create come upwards dorsum too allow me know who did you lot desire the woman someone grapheme to cease upwards with? 
  2. Finding Audrey - Sophie Kinsella - I accept read all of Sophie Kinsella's books merely this ane powerfulness travel the end that I read. 
  3. Who Do You Love - Jennifer Weiner - H5N1 coming-of-age story, which did non disappoint.
  4. Truly Madly Guilty - Liane Moriarty - This was my maiden of all majority yesteryear this writer too I had heard a lot nearly her book. It took a piece for her to larn the musical rhythm of the even out going merely yesteryear the cease it was a satisfying read. It is a suspense thriller. 
  5. Before We Visit The Goddess - Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni - After a dyad of months, I went dorsum to a due south asian author. Her book, Palace of Illusions is my favorite merely I hadn't read whatever other travel of her's. I genuinely enjoyed the even out too how she had woven all the characters together. You tin involve heed to a greater extent than of my stance inward the vlog above. 
  6. The Husband's Secret - Liane Moriarty - This was such a roller coaster ride. I enjoyed figuring out the plot. Unlike most mysteries, this ane gets solved mid agency through too the end one-half is nearly how people bargain amongst the truth. So dissimilar whatever other mystery I accept read before. 
  7. Oleander Girl - Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni - I oftentimes stick to the authors whose travel I accept heard nearly or already read. Easiest agency to create upwards one's heed what majority to read next. I am one-half agency through this majority too I already similar it. It has a lilliputian flake of everything - romance, drama, suspense. I volition portion my thoughts postal service reading it on YouTube soon. 

Now on to the the Non-Fiction reads. 
I read 3 therefore far, too I accept already reviewed ii of them on YouTube

  1. The Bingo Theory - Mimi Ikonn - Click here for the review  
  2. Five Love Languages - Gary Chapman - Click here for the review. 
  3. You Are H5N1 Badass - Jen Sincero - Review coming presently on YouTube
Hope you lot relish this video. Do travel out me your feedback inward the comments below or on the YouTube video itself.

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