Consistency = Success

We haven't spoken most fitness inwards a real long fourth dimension as well as today seems similar a practiced day! I have or therefore extremely specific goals at the 2d every bit far every bit my fitness inwards concerned. Will verbalize most them or therefore other time. 

Today, however, nosotros are revisiting the former mantra - Consistency is the cardinal to success! Practice mightiness non larn inwards perfect, but it definitely makes it permanent ... as well as and therefore gives you lot plenty fourth dimension to run on perfection! I convey finally reached a stability where my trunk has larn to a greater extent than resilient. When I pose inwards the work, I run across the results. When I swallow right, I reap the benefits. The uncomplicated explanation for this is consistency. There is no yo-yo dieting (or whatever dieting for that matter!), no over-workout, as well as no fads! There is pure uncomplicated equation, if you lot delight -> Energy In = Energy out

My eating-mantras:
  • A practiced diet is the i that you lot tin follow for the balance of your life
  • A practiced repast is which leaves you lot satisfied, ... fifty-fifty later thirty minutes of having it
  • Fast Food = Fast & Permanent calories!
  • An 'indulgence' should never toll or weight to a greater extent than than your primary course of report (just inwards representative or therefore people are 'really' slow, yesteryear indulgence I hateful desserts)
  • Always, as well as I repeat, ALWAYS read the label. 
Another i of my agenda is to run on my the wellness of my pare as well as hair. One of the signs I holler back reading dorsum inwards Texas, read: Exercise is piteous man's plastic surgery! It ever made me smile. So true, right? 

My pare without a incertitude feels rejuvenated as well as firmer later the workout. I tin 'actually' experience the blood flowing inside as well as making my pare shine. Sweat is dripping downward my spine, as well as muscles sore amongst the wonderful hurting ... It, all, makes me experience live as well as positive! 

I am aware, of the fact, that inwards the in conclusion decade I convey transformed into i of those species who really bask working out. However, fifty-fifty on the days when I am feeling lazy as well as demotivated to hitting the gym I honour ways to larn into it. I do it for my clothes, for my ego, for my confidence, as well as because I tin never live fat again! Everyone has to honour their ain drive.

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