This Yr ...

usually I tin distinctly differentiate betwixt the terminate of 1 twelvemonth together with the start of the other. however, this twelvemonth I bring non yet felt that nosotros bring stumbled upon 2015. I bring exactly embraced it every bit a matter-of-fact together with moved on. I bring infact no fifty-fifty had an trial alongside the engagement modify spell writing - 01/07/2015. see, what I mean? 
there is of course of education no resolution making going on. because. but things bring been only over lapping from Dec. 31st to January 1st. everything is intertwined. one thing however, I conception on changing this twelvemonth is to increase the written content on the blog. though I had mentioned that I conception on decreasing the over all sum of blogging. 
I conception to write. a lot. together with non alone write, but genuinely share. unburden my take in of all the thoughts together with conflicts. I missy the joy of writing whatsoever comes to your heed without giving a damn close who is reading. I reminisce that from my outset twelvemonth of blogging. 
recently realized that there is a disconnect betwixt what I am maxim together with what others are understanding. my biggest tragedy. also felt that inwards the final duo of years I bring built walls around my words together with self-expression. I was trying to non stir upwards disputation or unintentionally appall people. but instantly I missy writing. then I am going to write. may endure ruffle some feathers (or not) but tell what is on my mind. part personal anecdotes or exactly a random passing idea but would definitely similar to brand the words utter louder than pictures inwards 2015.
so fasten your spot belts, people! it volition endure a bumpy ride going frontward ;)

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