Bring It On 2015

 which basically tells me what I should await inwards the coming twelvemonth Bring It On 2015
Every twelvemonth I larn a feeling. Like an intuition, which basically tells me what I should await inwards the coming year. Some of the by intuitions I choose had choose been : alter | adventure | increase | etc. There is of course of teaching no logic or proof to my theory. It's personal. It's intuitive. It's a thing of perspective too of course of teaching looking dorsum I choose been able to associate that give-and-take alongside how the twelvemonth turned out. This twelvemonth my intuition is telling me "struggle". Now I don't know anything to a greater extent than than that but I am trying to roll my encephalon around it too live prepared for the combat or every bit nosotros telephone telephone it inwards the pop-culture linguistic communication "da hustle".
Although I choose never referred to my experiences every bit combat / achievement or every bit 'ups' and 'downs'. Neither create I intend that I am a positive or a negative person. I (honestly) believe that am only "living" my life because that's what y'all are supposed to do, y'all can't pass it lying inwards bed (or tin post away you?).
I role the analogy that life is similar a video game. You human face upwardly the unknown too sweat to live on whatever comes your agency to the best of your ability. The alone departure being, different video games y'all don't larn some other 'life' or a guide a opportunity to press restart. So y'all improve alive inwards the acquaint too choose no regrets. We all know "the end" of our journey. So why fifty-fifty bother comparing, competing, beingness difficult on ourselves too obsess over what nosotros don't choose or the could haves too would haves of life?
If nosotros saw life every bit an adventure alongside the mo in conclusion finish beingness the mystery (we all know the terminal destination), it would live then much to a greater extent than exciting. That's how I run across my life - The i alongside Zero disappointment. Zero Expectation. 100% excitement ... So convey it on 2015!
It's going to live a swell twelvemonth nonetheless. Just similar all the previous ones. All 32 of them!
Happy 2015!

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