Sex, Cheating, Commitment (Youtube) - Interview Serial

This is my really get-go fourth dimension interviewing someone inwards person, as well as it is none other than Dr. Mudita Rastogi. She has been a reader as well as a supporter of my weblog (and everything else I stimulate got always done inwards my life) from the very first post. She is someone I expression upwards to as well as aspire to last like. Even though she mightiness non know, but I oftentimes accept cues from her on how 1 tin last productive inwards life as well as career, active inwards lifestyle, as well as truly last interested inwards people's lives. I am hence honored that she agreed to create this interview for my YouTube channel. 

So a span of weeks dorsum I asked y'all, "if you had ONE burning inquiry to inquire a Therapist what would it be?" I wasn't expecting the publish of questions I received, hence every bit an amateur interviewer I thought, "eh, I volition last able to agree them all in" but when I started preparing I realized unless I was planning to air a 60-minute edition, at that topographic point is no means inwards hell that I volition last able to accomplish that goal. So I brought downwardly the questions to TOP FIVE which I thought would resonate amongst the bulk of my readers. I certain promise I was right. So hitting play below as well as detect out the answers to roughly of the most usually asked/wondered questions past times women. 

Below are the questions I had asked: 

  1. Do you intend it is harder for people inwards our generation (25-35) to commit? Is this a trend, or, inwards your experience, is matrimony withal something people aspire for?
  2. What steps tin novel or long-term couples accept to strengthen their relationship? Are at that topographic point whatever books that you would recommend for them to read?
  1. How tin couples avoid conflicts that may arise from in-laws living amongst them? What are the other reasons that atomic number 82 to conflict inwards marriage?
  2. What are the biggest misconceptions when it comes frequency of gender activity as well as a successful marriage?
  3. Why create people cheat? Is at that topographic point 1 primal argue for cheating?

Do allow me know your thoughts well-nigh the Interview. Did you detect it helpful? Also, I am opened upwards to your suggestions as well as ideas well-nigh what you would similar to run across on the YouTube channel. If you haven't already, you tin fill upwards the survey past times clicking the link push or experience gratuitous to Facebook / Tweet / Email me.

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