Driven Past Times Feelings

I direct maintain been thinking almost how it doesn't affair what a individual says to you, if y'all practise non believe it to locomote true, or if it does non affect your heart. I tend to approximate the words yesteryear how they brand me feel. There direct maintain been to a greater extent than than ane instances where I am told that I am missed, or loved, or admired, or appreciated. But I practise non e'er believe those statements to locomote true. If the words (or actions) practise non affect my soul, or displace me inwards anyway in addition to thus I decline to experience manipulated yesteryear their emotions. Someone tin forcefulness out beloved in addition to admire y'all all they want, but if it never genuinely touches a chord inwards y'all in addition to y'all don't experience loved in addition to thus what is the point? 

In my experience non everyone is earnest almost their words in addition to emotions. Sometimes people merely say things on a whim, sometimes they say things to fill upward the silence, in addition to sometimes they say what is expected of them. And sometimes, merely sometimes they say what they mean. 

In my life, I direct maintain come upward across exclusively a handful of people who direct maintain the might to say what they mean, in addition to to a greater extent than importantly they know how to say what they mean. But ane thing that makes me believe them, is the consistency inwards their behavior. That, belike is why nosotros all accept our parents for granted. Parents e'er beloved us (consistently) no affair what. It is difficult to seat that form of human relationship amongst others inwards life.

What surprises me the most is when I honour genuine connexion amongst people amongst whom I direct maintain merely met, or when I merely know I would non acquire along amongst someone yesteryear their torso language. I direct maintain oft tried to interruption downwards my idea procedure to empathise how did I seat this conclusion. There is rarely a logical one. I direct maintain learnt that I am all almost intuitions, feelings, in addition to that-random-connection. And when I honour that I never allow it go! 

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