My Reading Nook

 I am non every bit ferocious a reader every bit I used to survive My Reading Nook 

If you lot accept been a readers for a while, you lot know I beloved my books. I am non every bit ferocious a reader every bit I used to be, but I larn through phases when I volition larn through v books inward a week, or I won't touching i for v months. Summer, however, is a fourth dimension that I associate amongst reading. It mightiness accept something to create amongst summertime vacations from schoolhouse days. 

But reading is non only close books. It is every bit good close unwinding too relaxing too diving into a basis of your own. Which can't occur if you lot don't accept a reading nook in your house, amongst a cozy vibe. You accept already seen my rather grand book shelf, but my nook is nowhere unopen to the shelf. It is away, amongst a side table, too a stack of books which I excogitation to read or accept recent finished too a bunch of soft pillows to residual (or prevarication down) on. I tin practically hide-out inward this narrow corner of my solid too no i would know I am there. 

I must survive i of the few (at to the lowest degree inward the US) who soundless buy books. Like existent books. That is alone because I cannot wrap my caput to a greater extent than or less e-books. I accept a Kindle, too an iPad but I accept alone read i majority on each of them. Making it a grand full of TWO e-books! I gave it a shot, you lot know, inward the advert of newspaper conservation too what non but I realized I require a physical majority to genuinely taste reading. I volition conserve newspaper else where (like no newspaper towels inward the kitchen, or similar yesteryear non printing boarding passes land traveling). I am glad I constitute Thriftbooks as it is a swell online resources to uncovering used books which are inward swell status too at a fraction of the master price. For example, whatsoever championship marked amongst a DEAL tag on the special page is priced:

  • 2 books for $7.00
  • 3 books for $10.00
  • 4 books for $12.00
Another perk: Your orders are transportation inside 24 hours too the transportation is FREE on all USA Orders of $10 or more! How awesome is that?!!

Anyhoo, below are some of the books I accept lately read. The ones from Thriftbooks are yet to survive completed though. 

 I am non every bit ferocious a reader every bit I used to survive My Reading Nook
 I am non every bit ferocious a reader every bit I used to survive My Reading Nook
 I am non every bit ferocious a reader every bit I used to survive My Reading Nook  I am non every bit ferocious a reader every bit I used to survive My Reading Nook  

    Check Outfit Details Here
Next on my listing are: 

Someday, Someday, May be: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Novel

I was selected for this chance every bit a fellow member of Clever Girls too the content too opinions expressed hither are all my own.

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