Gabbing Amongst Tanvi (Youtube) - Episode Seven

and since my Mom is visiting me currently Gabbing With Tanvi (YouTube) - Episode Seven

This episode of #GwT was shot on the same solar daytime every bit this outfit post and since my Mom is visiting me currently, I idea it would go interesting to accept her inward i episode as well as scope doc Fab a intermission this week. If yous are a regular reader, yous accept seen my Mom on the spider web log several times inward the final half dozen years. 

She was introduced for the start fourth dimension inward 2009 here, as well as ever since she has made an appearance on the spider web log well-nigh every fourth dimension she visits me. (This is when I gave her a brand over, this is from our locomote diaries, this is when she leaves as well as I experience abandoned!) But what I accept never shared is her interaction alongside me, or how strict she was every bit a mother, as well as how disobedient I was (am!) every bit a daughter. You tin terminal grab all this as well as to a greater extent than inward this week's episode. 

Also I would similar to give cheers yous all for your constant feedback on the videos as well as the suggestions regarding what yous would similar to encounter more. I am working on all your suggestions. I appreciate your fourth dimension as well as your patience. 

As ever experience costless to enquire whatsoever questions or advise topics that yous would similar me to embrace inward my videos. Let me know your thoughts inward the comments below or feel costless to fill this survey / Facebook / Tweet / Email me.

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