So Long Texas …

We are relocating in addition to en road to Washington D.C.

As nosotros expression dorsum on our years spent inwards Texas ... 

Texas was a turning signal inwards my husband's life. Texas is non entirely where he got his instruction simply also learnt the lessons of life. This is where he discovered himself in addition to realized his strengths in addition to indulged inwards his weaknesses. While in that place was consummate independence, in that place was also no security internet to autumn dorsum on. He met many novel people, came across many novel cultures in addition to learnt that no affair where nosotros come upwardly from, nosotros all conduct maintain same emotions. 

All the milestones of his life conduct maintain been achieved inwards Texas - got married, got his Ph.D, got his source project … But thence all the lows were also, hither inwards Texas. He adds that it never felt similar a depression because, "… nosotros were together." 

Texas is what has shaped our marriage, our life, our usual understanding. Texas has taken equally much equally it has given us. We made many friends hither in addition to also lost 1 also many, simply these contradictions are what makes it our best in addition to the worst of times. 

We conduct maintain crossed mountains in addition to valleys simply ever alongside a smile. We conduct maintain tackled all our problems equally a challenge instead of looking at it equally a set-back. If you lot enquire me all our struggles conduct maintain been the most fun times of our life together. Even when nosotros had null nosotros had each other. Even when null was going our way, nosotros were in that place for each other. Situations when 1 would hold off people to breakdown, nosotros would celebrate our life. This is when nosotros discovered that happiness has null to exercise alongside circumstances. You create your ain happiness. 

For me Texas was null to a greater extent than than a reminiscent wilderness of Western movies. I was used to big cities in addition to their hustle. But Texas's warmth made me experience at domicile pretty fast. This is where I flora my best friend, this is where I started blogging, this is where I made peace alongside who I am. 

Now nosotros are leaving Texas … alongside a heavy heart. Although nosotros conduct maintain no identify unit of measurement hither simply somewhere deep downwards it feels similar nosotros are leaving domicile again.

I desire to cry,
the tears are dry out
I expression out the plane,
as nosotros are close to fly,
There's no grin
nor there's a sigh,
So long Texas,
… for right away it's goodbye!

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