Antiques and Flea Market Finds in a Delightful Family Home in Burgundy

Ciao! I'm reporting from a very sunny Madrid today (such a treat to be here! - if the man asks, I'm on a very hectic work schedule, of course...). Perhaps what I should really be saying though is 'bonjour!' - since here on the blog we're off to Burgundy, France and the delightful home of Aurélie Mazurek! Aurélie's home first caught my eye on Instagram thanks to the calm, 'washed-out' tones, rich textures and antique touches (not to mention her baking and pretty taste in clothes!). But chatting to Aurélie, I learned there's so much more to her home that meets the eye, and the influences and inspiration behind the space are just as charming as the décor itself! 

Where do you live?
In Yonne, a wine region. Life is calm and sweet here, yet we're still near to museums, the city, and the castle of Fontainebleau - we love to relax and walk our dogs in the surrounding forest.

Who do you share your home with?
My husband and our children Olivier (5) and Laura (3). They are just going back to school and starting two important stages: entering kindergaten and CP at the big school!

What do you do for a living?
I'm currently working in ready-to-wear fashion. I used to have my own business creating decorative objects such as cushions, booties, and blankets out of vintage materials. I decided to take a break and return to a day job so I can spend more time with my children while they're still young. I might resume my creative path some day in the future, we'll see! 

Marshall speakers*

How would you describe your style?
I keep an eye on trends but I do not necessarily follow them! I like to create my own cocoon which includes reusing a lot of materials and furniture.

Tell us more about your sustainable outlook on decorating
We love visiting flea markets, it's a very interesting way for us to consume with purpose and I think it's these unique objects that tell a story and give a home it's soul. I like to be content with little and I find beauty and satisfaction from an item I found for 1 euro!

Antique linen*

Where do you find inspiration?
My family and my emotional legacy. My Grandmother gave me the love for old linen and beautiful materials, my uncle gave me the love for flowers and how to dry and preserve them, my Grandfather the love of the garden and cultivating land , my Mother taught me the art of cooking and my Father introduced me to design. These are the heritages that made me aware of decoration and inspired the lifestyle we lead today - and even though some of these people are no longer with us, their memory lives on in my linen, dried flowers and garden.

Belly baskets*

Your instagram feed Antique Home is so inspiring. Do you also find online sites as a source of inspiration?
Of course, instagram and blogs are a wonderful source of inspiration. But I think it's our environment that inspires us the most. The forest of Fontainebleau is a wonderful source of inspiration!

Thank you for inviting us into your lovely home Aurélie!

I especially loved hearing about how Aurélie's family have inspired some of the items in her home. I'm sure this legacy will live on through Olivier and Laura one day too!

 I still remember my Grandmother's beautifully pressed crisp white linen. My sister and I used to ask her to make the bed over us and one day my sister got her toe caught in a tiny nick and it turned into a gaping hole! Needless to say, she made the beds without us from then on!!

Do you have someone in your family who has influenced your interior style?

Have a lovely day!


Photography by Aurélie - shared with kind permission. Hop on over to her instagram for more lovely pics! 

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