A Swedish Loft in a Former Shipyard Building

Hej hej! How are you today? Anyone else finding this one crazy week? It didn't help that there's also been a storm raging in Malmö these past few days (physically not metaphorically speaking!). And then all of a sudden it was gone, and in it's place: calm seas and brilliant sunshine. Things are looking up! This inspiring home is located on a former shipyard in Nacka, Stockholm. The listed building was originally a welding hall, and many of the original architectural features such as pillars, beams, high ceilings and windows have been carefully preserved and help to give the apartment an industrial New York loft feel (with a very strong Scandi twist if course!). I've been trying to figure out a little about the owners by looking at their (wonderful) possessions. I'm guessing they love to travel (potentially dividing their home between Stockholm and Hong Kong?) and also have an interest in photography, music, nature and strolling through vintage / antique markets. Let's take a peek...

Such a fantastic space - love the bones of the building. It would be so fun to live somewhere with such high ceilings too!

It is actually on the market through Fantastic Frank - so not an impossibility (!!) - could you imagine living here? 

What do you reckon about my guesses about the owner? Did you spot any clues?


Photography: Fantastic Frank - found via Pihkala with thanks

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